Now the proud owner of my all time favorites -

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

This book really rocked my world. The concepts described by Ayn Rand, touched within me a core and instilled within me the importance of standing by what you believe in and doing the best in every job that's handed to you. Playing the blame game is easy, but when you are passionate about every single action that you do, is when you can attain perfection. Every character in the book can be found in today's world but the colors of each one and the depths are rare to be found in any other book that I've ever come across. The naked truth of humanity and it's flaws can be found in each of them and when we compare ourselves to each one, is when you realize you can be much better than you are.

What the book is about according to Wikipedia - The Fountainhead's protagonist, Howard Roark, is an idealistic young architect who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision. The book follows his battle to practice modern architecture, which he believes to be superior, despite an establishment centered on tradition-worship. How others in the novel relate to Roark demonstrate Rand's various archetypes of human character, all of which are variants between Roark, her ideal man of independent-mindedness and integrity, and what she described as the "second-handers." The complex relationships between Roark and the various kinds of individuals who assist or hinder his progress, or both, allows the novel to be at once a romantic drama and a philosophical work.

Labels - Literary Fiction

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

Another book whose twists and turns are like no other. I personally feel that the first book in which Robert Langdon is introduced is far better than the much acclaimed Da Vinci Code in the manner that it's more in depth. Ofcourse, the two are very different conceptually and that is debatable on many levels.

I wouldn't like to tell you what it's about for the book is a journey I would prefer you taking blind. :D

Labels - Thriller, Mystery

Runaway Jury by John Grisham

I just love this book for the quick wit and smartness of each of the charachter involved. The court room drama, the plot of good versus evil, the ploys used by both the defendent and plaintiffs' lawyers are totally unique and unsurpassed. John Grisham's imagination takes a wild turns as we feel like a fly on the wall of the drama that takes place. The book is essentially about ae plaintiff, Celeste Wood who goes up against a large, fictional tobacco company on the grounds that her husband's premature death was because of the company's cigarettes...

What happens as the Jury deliberates during and after the trial is what one has to look out for. The motives of each jury member and the subsequent result still leave me whooping me joy whenever I read this yarn !!

Labels - Thriller, Crime

He's Just Not That Into You

Also, read " He's Just Not That Into You " at Barnes and Noble. Made for some light reading and it was so to the point, that it was hilarious. I wish I'd read that book back when, but no worries. I just enjoyed the read !!! I encourage Every single girl to do yourself a favor and read this book !!!!! Will blog about it on my Musings soon.

Labels - Light Reading, Chick Lit, Self Help
3 Responses
  1. i have been looking for angels and demons since long time. Since the movie released last week the book is out of stock, but i guess i'll get it today since that guy told me it will be available from today or else i'd borrow it from some one. You have given nice ideas about all the 4 books mentioned above.I don't think i'll ever read Runaway Jury cause that's not my type.I don't like crime and thriller genre.I'd definitely read Fountainhead which sounds so interesting.

  2. "he's just not that into you" sounds like a good book something light so will add to my book to buy list.Thanks for sharing your views.

  3. yojitA Says:

    i love the way ayn rand showz idealism and passion in fountainhead!!!
    thats one of my all time favorites too!!